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Tools Who Measure Your Website Speed

Today i will show you two tools which helps you to calculate your website speed. These tools basically help webmasters and developers to check the performance of there sites.

According to recent survay, mostly visitors leave the websites if it hasn't loaded in 3 or 4 seconds thats means if your site loading speed is slow then you are subjected to lose lots of visitors and these tools will give you many pointers which you are not following or start to working on.

Pingdom :- Pingdom is founded by sam nurmi. It tracks the performance, uptime and downtime of a website. It analyze the loading speed of your blog/website and show you downsides of your websites. It helps you to examine the all parts of your web pages. You can check your blog speed in multiple locations like india, japan etc. In this tool, you can also save your blog speed history and check it later. You just have to enter your blog url in url field then click on test now button and it shows your blog results in just 3-4 seconds. Below is my blog results.

GTmetrix :- GTmetrix is a one of the famous speed checker website. It was developed by gossamer therads. You can easily determine your blog speed here by just filling the url. GTmetrix gives you full downside details of your website. It offers you to track your blog speed history through graps. Once your test is complete it will give you recommendations through Google's page checker and Yahoo Y'slow plugins. I always use this tool for my blog speed checking purpose. You may know more about this tool by reading this features page. My GTmetrix report is given below.


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