As a default, you'll get a simple code in blogger template for your post titles, which doesn't show post titles on search results in a SEO and user friendly way. This default code tell robots to
crawl blog title before post title. For example your post title is 'How to Grow facebook likes' and your main homepage title is 'Social Media Marketing' then it will show your post in search engine like 'Social Media Marketing: How to Grow facebook likes'. This can effect your blog in two ways first it will only display 'Social Media Marketing' first in search engine so it doesn't help your visitor to get right thing for which he/she looking for, and second is sometimes your post title is long, so its only show few keywords of your post title, not full one. You can customize it by putting small piece of code in your template. Lets get started.
1. Go to your blogger dashboard
2. Select 'Template' and Click on 'Edit Template' button
3. Search this code -
You'll get it under
4. Replace it by this following modified code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title>
5. Click on save and its done. ( You may add -, |, •, instead of ~ )
After this change, now when you publish next post in your blog, your post titles will show before your blog title in search results. You may check instantly whether the trick is working or not by visting your any blog post and by seeing its title situated on upper part of your browser.
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